Dave Sather
Lead Pastor of 23 Church
RoseAnne and I have the privilege of pastoring 23 Church. RoseAnne I have been married since . Previous to Pastoring I spent 13 years as a commercial cabinetmaker and business owner, and yes I miss working with my hands. One of the joys of pastoring is helping people discover who they are in Christ. I believe our church is strategically placed to connect not only Greeley but also the surrounding region to the Savior we love. I look forward to meeting you.
Abraham Torres
Lead Pastor of 23 Español
Abby and I have been married for 14 years. Abby is a stay-at-home mom and loves spending time with our girls. She is also our 23Kids Director. In addition to, from pastoring our Spanish service, I also oversee our 23Shares department and help in our Media department. I believe that God always has something good for us. My passion is to preach the message of His love, forgiveness, and salvation to everyone around me. It’s my privilege to serve with my family at 23 Church.